Friday, April 16, 2010

Finishing The Album: Step 6 - Artwork and Organizing

I spent some time this evening organizing my files on my computer. I got all of the "Frankenstein" versions of the songs loaded onto my desktop, in a new folder. I do this to preserve data integrity. You know, in case something happens to my external hard drive, or if for some reason I screw up a song beyond hope, I will want a version I can revert to.

I am sad to learn that a lot of the research I did for the album cover has been lost. I originally saved off a lot of photos I found that I thought would make good cover art. I still have my master "High Desert Mystery" photoshop files, but those were really just conceptual work.

The GOOD news is that with a little google magic, I was able to find Jeff More's Flickr page, which is where I originally found so many of the photos I was considering. For reference, here is a link.

I've also decided to start adding a bit of a description to my post titles. Numbered posts will not make for good reading by future generations of fans. right?

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