Thursday, April 29, 2010

Finishing The Album: Step 25 - More Tweaks

Tonight I took my final stabs at three songs; "The Friend That I Once Knew", "Girl #134" and "Let Me Be Your Guitar Player".

Friend had a few little things I needed to clean up, but Girl is where I spent about an hour. I once and for all fixed all the drum fills to my satisfaction. They all sound really great now, and I'm quite pleased with them. Guitar needed no additional work, and I signed off on that one after just one listen. Just a great song that really moves.

After I wrote the above blog entry, I plowed ahead and banged out the last two songs in my list, "Second Time Around" and "On The Road". For Road, I grafted over a part of the refrain where I didn't quite hit the high note right. Not a big deal, as there were other parts of the song where I DID get it right. So plenty to choose from.

For STA, I just did a couple little things. For example, there's one part where I sing "I would have wished on a falling star..." whereas bill says "Would have wished on a falling star..." Bill's version skipped the introductory "I". So I did the right thing, and removed it from my performance.

SOOOOOO, this brings to an end my participation in the album mix down, for this round. To the best of my abilities, all the songs are technically cleaned up, and knobs are turned. I still expect/want Bill to take a stab at the knob turning, but I think overall it sounds really good.

My next plan is to burn another CD and get it into the mail to Bill, with it being noted that this is the latest and greatest. I suppose now would also be a good time for me to load up everything onto an external hard drive and ship it over to Torrance for aforementioned knob action.

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