Friday, February 22, 2008

Stool Sample

Not really a sample, but a new drum stool has been acquired. A brief trip down to "Jim's Music" in Irvine resulted in a shiny new Yamaha seater. They pulled the standard "we're all out of the base model, the best we can do is sell you this 'cadillac of drum stools', but we'll give you a good discount".


No stranger to lame sales pitches, Munson pitched something of his own: a fit. As it turns out, the story I was told is that the cadillac (with discount) only runs 15 bucks more than the Yugo. I figured for fifteen bucks, it wasn't worth driving to some other place and kissing away another lunch hour.

Anyhow, who cares. It's a drum stool. Yngwie, look out.


Swamptooth said...

How about a photo?

Don's Drums said...

Bill, did you just ask for a photo of Matt's stool? Why not just get a sample?

Swamptooth said...

Popsicle stick, please ...