Friday, May 6, 2011

Come My Way Change Log

Knowing what a detail hound Bill Fischer is, I thought he would get a kick out of the meticulous change log notes I took today while tweaking Come My Way. I fully realize that at this point, I'm delving into the realm of absurdity with all of the minor tweaks I am doing, but I figure since I have the opportunity, I may as well make it as good as it can be. Which of course, is THE trap we fall into that ends up making our albums take four years to produce. Sigh. The good news is, all of this work only took about an hour, and I did it on my lunch break from work, so it's not a big deal. In my mind, the song sounds 100% better with all of the bass notes ironed out and playing more smoothly. I also fixed a drum fill glitch which had always bugged me. It's probably one of those things where 99% of the listening audience would never even notice, but oh well.

Come my Way - grafted drumfill at 1:32:210 from 1:38:930, correcting a minor timing glitch
Come My Way - 1:33:514 - did some moving of two bass hits that were slightly out of timing with the drum fill
1:45:579 - grafted in a bass hit and time stretched it. Initially, this was a bad note in the performance. Actualy, it was the right note, just barely played. I found the same note, plugged it in, and time stretched it to the proper duration.
1:56:100 - time compression on one bass note. Start of note hit now lines up with drum strike. Duration shrunk so as not to cause ripple effect
2:08:206 - moved bass hit to the right a tiny smidge to line up with drum hit
2:08:939 - moved bass hit to the right for timing fix
2:10:234 - used time stretch to move beginning of bass hit to align with drum strike. Time stretch used because the note was held a long time, and moving it would have made it collide with next bass note
2:21:145 - Bass hit moved to align with drum strike
2:20:255 - bass hit moved to the right for timing
2:24:771 - Time stretch done on bass hit to compress it in order to line it up with a drum strike
2:54:484 - grafted on a bass strike to cover up what was a flubbed note. Same error made in original recording at 1:45:578. Even grafted in the same bass note as before.
3:04:294 moved bass hit to the left slightly to fix timing error
3:22:051 - TINY move of bass hit to fix timing.
3:07:301 - move of bass hit for timing
4:12:357 - grafted in first two bass notes from another part of the song (2:35:396) to fix timing issues.
4:13:940 - time stretch done to bass hit to make it align with drum strike
4:19:221 - reposition of bass part (two notes) move to the left a tad to align with first drum hit. Time stretch applied to make both hits line up with two drum strikes.
4:26:975 - time compression applied to single bass note for timing purposes
4:31:372 - Time stretch applied to note to make the beginning of it line up with drum srike
Saved new file as Come_My_Way May 6 2011
0:14:490 - time compression on first bass note to align with drum strike
Deleted silence/line hiss at the beginning of the song prior to first bass hit. (on bass track only)
0:24:256 - time stretch on bass line. VERY tiny one, to bring it into sync
00:25:328 - moved bass hits over to align with drum strikes. To the right.
0:39:787 - bad bass line. Took a a few bars from :21:712 and grafted them in at target location
Copied a bass fill from 0:57:861, and grafted it over a sloppy bass fill at
Copied bass fill from 1:12:275 and pasted over 1:15:869
Project saved, and output Wav file for review.

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