Thursday, May 20, 2010

Finishing The Album: Step 33 - Photo Release Form

Looks like as with most music projects, we have lost some momentum. I'm trying hard to bootstrap myself back up, but it's hard with all the other stuff going on in my life right now.

And Bill is even more under the gun than I am!

BUT, there is a breath of fresh air right now. Today I did a google search for a release form that I'm going to ask our man Jeff More to sign for the photos he has provided for cover art. I need to email them to him, get them printed and signed. So progress IS being made.

I have confirmation that Bill has recieved files, and has set up his mixing workstation. I am applying heavy and unnecessary pressure to Bill to get his mixes finished and submitted by EOM. (that's "End Of Month" for those of you who don't work for a corporation) I suppose I need to really get down to brass tacks on the album cover artwork, and make it happen. I will set aside some time this weekend to put together a final composite, minus the text.

I suppose that's it for now.

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