Thursday, August 14, 2008

Rockville Proof of Concept Video

While "Stickmen: the movie" may still be a few summers away, don't let that make you think for one second that the creative team behind it are resting on their laurels*. Nossir! Well, actually, we typically DO rest, even if we have no laurels upon which to rest.

But this time, this is not the case. Not really. As part of an ongoing, multi-year effort to bring the Stickmen video library to dvd, BD, or even just a less degradable format than Hi8 tapes, I'm learning how to use Adobe Premier. Techmology has FINALLY caught up with my imagination, and my new PC now has the processing power to do all the stuff I want it to. So I captured a bunch of video, and put together this little movie, just to see if I yet had the editing skills to assemble a ditty.

For a POC, I think it turned out really good. The performances sync up pretty well to the music, and there's lots of action. I think the drawback is that if I wanted to change the clips around, it would be very labor intenstive. So my workflow is not yet complete, I need to figure out a couple more tricks, but I'm well on my way.

While this may not be as spectacular as the now-lost "Gravity" video featuring Don playing couch cushions, it's higher resolution.

* thank goodness I now know what "laurels" means. I always thought it meant like a part of your anatomy, like your butt. You know, you rest on it. Your butt. But I guess in this context, it refers to awards. So you know, I'm saying we're not going to just sit around and celebrate that which we've already accomplished. I'm moving forward. Which makes sense. Unless I spelled it wrong.

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