Munson arrived at precisely 12:15. At 12:16, mayhem. After a brief tour of the newly outfitted garage (freshly prepped for operation Buff and Bronze 2010) the duo headed off to Carl's Jr, to dine on the typical Black and Blue staple foods. Much chatting was done about the red status of the album project, and how we faced pressure from senior management to finish the project, or risk having our funding pulled. Munson dropped the gauntlet by announcing that he will be "pressing click" on the DiskMaker website on August 15, hell or high water. The not so subtle threat being that if Bill wants to have a hand in the mixes, he had better pony up! All in good fun, natch.
After Carl's, it was time to hit the hangar where BNB discussed getting big, and progress on the airplane project. Matt also revealed that his todo item for the day was to create the liner notes for the album. Overall, it was really fun kickin' back in the "man cave" that is the hangar, and catching up on all the various goings on. And by Various Goings On, I specifically mean getting big with P90X.
Once back at Bill's house, Matt busted out the NetBook and Liner notes were produced. There were a few false starts as the boys struggled with the overall ethos of the notes, and how much they wanted to give away. A fairly technical yet straightforward approach was finally decided, which reveals more of the mechanics of the recording sessions, and less of the motivations for the songs. Due to pending old age and early onset alzeimers, Bill and Matt relied heavily on this very blog for most of the details of the liner notes. Thank goodness for the interwebz. Without them, their failing memories would have yielded a big fat pile of nothing for the liner notes.
Or they could have just made a bunch of stuff up.
With the bid-ness of the day behind them, it was time to move on to the party. Guitars were passed around, video camera engaged, and BNB got down to doing what they do best: The Nasty. And by "The Nasty", I of course mean "Rock and Roll".
It started light with Matt pounding out the chords for "Married with Children", the soft acoustic number from Oasis, with Bill improvising a respectable lead that was very reminiscent of Noel's line from the album. After that warm up, the goal was made clear: play through all of the songs that are on the album. Which oddly enough, proved to be more difficult than it sounds. But mainly for Munson, whose lifelong struggle to remember lyrics continues to plague his every day existence. Refusing to let Bill print out lyrics, he was much happier to simply stumble through the songs, with the frequent "Deer in the headlights" glances at Bill when his lyrical knowledge reached it's end point.
Somehow they struggled through, and along the way had a lot of fun. All of this was sort of prep/feasability-study for the oft promised Supporting Tour of the upcoming album.
Bill also unveiled his newest acquisition, a Fender Telecaster with a B-Bender, something Matt had never seen before. The guitar sounds great, and serves as a great addition to the ever growing quiver.

It was around this time that Lisa revealed to Bill via a guarded whisper that today was actually their wedding anniversary. Congrats all around, followed by looks of shame as Bill and Matt realized they had just pissed away this historic occasion with rock and roll and hamburgers. And they say romance is dead!!!
Family Fun Time followed, with Brandon keeping up his "oh no, I'm dead" act. Will was uber proud of his 100% organic bug boat, as Erika showed off her collection of horses, both from the real world and the fantastical one.
A few handshakes later and Matt was back on the road, heading for points unknown.
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