Here's the latest...

Mad props to Bill fischer for discovering this photo in the first place. Photo taken by Lara Hartley, whose work can be found all over the world wide interwebs. Great stuff, and she seems to be fascinated with the desert. Mabye because she lives there.
But I digress. This is kind of a first pass at a concept that bill first presented. Consider this the "munson runs with it" version. I added a few little layers (literally and figuratively) which kind of make it look like a tattered picture. Also at varying degrees of opacity are song titles and lines from songs on the album.
Dunno how it plays, but I figured I'd throw it out there for criticisms. Or complements. Compliments? You be the judge.
And yes, that is a blood splatter in the upper right hand corner. Nice touch?? Not sure.
I think the main debate for me is if the album title should be the big words on the page, or the name of the band should be. Maybe I'll try an alternate version.
Decided to put together the alt concept, just to see how it flows.

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